
Motoring Offences Law Fee & Service Information

Providing expert defense and strategic representation for cases involving traffic violations, DUI charges, and other driving-related offenses, safeguarding your rights and interests.

Our Team

Our team comprises of Partners and Solicitors who are assisted by paralegals & Caseworkers. 

  • Syed Aamir aziz Noshai  (Solicitor)
  • Muhammad Nasir uddin (Solicitor)
  • Biju antony (Solicitor)
  • Mulla Mahujul islam (Solicitor)
  • Razia Nabeel (Trainee Solicitor)
  • Kowser Qurashi (Consultant Solicitor)
  • Patricia Agwang (Case Worker)
  • Hadyeh Tarighat (Case Worker)
  • Mariya Sony (Case Worker)
  • Sergio Garcia (Case Worker)
  • Ahsan Rana (Immigration Paralegal)
  • Binoj Pushpangathan (Immigration Paralegal)

Our Services

The fees set out cover all of the work in relation to Summary RTA’s in Magistrate CourtsThis includes following; 

  1. taking your initial instructions, reviewing the papers and advising you on the merits of your case or defence (this is likely to be revisited throughout the matter and subject to change 
  2. preparing  your case or response
  3. reviewing and advising on the case or response from the CPS;
  4. preparing for (and attending) any preliminary hearings;
  5. exchanging documents with the other party and agreeing a bundle of documents;
  6. taking witness statements, drafting statements and agreeing their content with witnesses;
  7. preparing a bundle of documents ;
  8.  instructing a barrister.

Our charges and timescales


Our legal fees is fixed at £500.00 Plus VAT. 

Barrister's Fees

We will negotiate the fees of the barrister for you once it has been decided that a barrister needs to be involved in the case. Barristers’ fees depend on the complexity of the task given to them and their experience and expertise. Barristers will charge VAT in addition to the quoted fee. By way of example:

  • an appearance by a junior barrister at a preliminary hearing (one to two hours) might cost in the region of £400-£500 excluding VAT;

How long will it take for a case to reach a hearing ?

The length of time in motoring offence case varies but it could take in-between 3-9  months depending upon the severity of the offence. We will of course keep you informed throughout the preparation of a case about how long the matter is likely to take to reach a conclusion.